Team: | Lewis | Last Updated | May 17, 2016 at 12:20 |
Players: | Franklin Merblum - Doug Doub |
We use transfer responses to all of our opening bids, starting with redouble, when the next player doubles. Also play transfer responses to our overcalls (Ruben advances).
Our opening 2d is mini-roman - usually 4-4-4-1 with unknown shortness. Also could be 5-4-4-0. |
Our opening 1nt is 12-14 in all seats (5 card major is extremely rare). We tend to both upgrade and downgrade and will pass 12 point hands, especially if vulnerable. Major suit openings may be a bit light if we have good shape. Our 3rd seat openers are usually not weak, but can easily have a 5 card suit for a weak 2 bid in this seat. |
We lead Rusinow against suits and NT. Spot card leads are 3rd/low vs suits and 4th vs NT (2nd highest or top from bad holding). Also 10 or 9 shows zero or 2 higher in the middle of the hand. |
All our signals are right-side up and normal priority is attitude, count, suit preference. We play a Smith count vs NT - when declarer attacks a side suit, we play low to show an odd number remaining in partner's led suit and high to show an even number. |