Team: | Donnelly | Last Updated | Nov 5, 2020 at 18:01 |
Players: | Olivia Schireson - Cynthia Huang |
2/1, 15-17 nt (upgrades), Walsh style, 5 card majors, 1 promises 3+
Neither player is very aggressive in general or in terms of openings Particularly wide ranging weak 2 level overcalls when pd is a passed hand 1M can show 4 in 3rd/4th seat but that is very rare |
Opening lead suits: 3rd/low, A from AKx+, K from AK at 5 level+ or in bid and raised suit or when you have a side stiff asking for count
NT opening leads: 2/4th, king power lead Same in the middle of the hand but more att oriented |
UDCA (standard present count)
Attitude priority, then count, then SP to PDs lead. Count priority, then SP to declarer's lead Trump SP when it benefits PD more than declarer Carding is reliable, unless it won't help PD. |