Team: | Bitterman | Last Updated | Mar 22, 2021 at 09:46 |
Players: | Sam Marks - Jerry Helms |
1 min 2 = Inv Balanced Hand
1 min 2 = Mixed Raise |
5 crd Majors, 14+to 17 1NT
2/1 GF 3rd Seat Light Openings (4 card Majors) May respond with a very weak hand NV preempts may be quite light. Wide range preempts if partner is a PH |
Vs Suits: 3rd from Even, Low From Odd
but may lead high from 3 small in partner's raised suit or if partner can infer we have length. Vs NT 4th Best, Second highest from bad suits. Versus Both we lead Rusinow Rusinow does not apply if the Opponents have shown the suit or if preemptor leads a suit other than the one shown. In the middle of hand we tend to lead attitude unless cashout situation where it will be 3rd and Low. |
Upside Down Attitude and Count.
Signalling priority is Attitude, Count, Suit Preference. We give frequent suit preference including in the trump suit Reverse smith versus Notrump |