System Summary Form (SSF), 2021 JLall Online Teams #4

Team: Vance Last Updated May 21, 2021 at 14:14
Players: Grant Vance - Jessica Lai

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Raptor NT overcalls: 4 card major, long minor, one suit is known. Transfer advances to overcalls, starting at the cuebid.

General Bidding Style

Largely vanilla precision. We freely promote hands with good suit quality and/or texture and/or controls. 3rd seat openers and non-vulnerable overcalls can be more tactical, especially with lead direction value. In slam try auctions, controls are 1st or 2nd round up-the-line.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Rusinow opening leads, but not in trumps or when leading partner's suit. 3/5 vs suits, 4th vs NT, 2nd vs NT from 3 or 4 small. Honor leads in middle of hand are generally standard, and spot cards are generally attitude.

Defensive Signals

udca. attitude, then ud present count, then suit preference. 3 situations where AT TRICK ONE ONLY, we play standard, not UDCA. suits: lead of King, guarded Queen in dummy. NT: Singleton honor in dummy winning, or, partner leads honor card, singleton or void in dummy.
Trump suit preference optional. Alarm Smith vs NT: opening leader echo is discouraging, opening leader's partner echo is encouraging.