Team: | Vance | Last Updated | May 21, 2021 at 14:14 |
Players: | Grant Vance - Jessica Lai |
Raptor NT overcalls: 4 card major, long minor, one suit is known. Transfer advances to overcalls, starting at the cuebid. |
Largely vanilla precision. We freely promote hands with good suit quality and/or texture and/or controls. 3rd seat openers and non-vulnerable overcalls can be more tactical, especially with lead direction value. In slam try auctions, controls are 1st or 2nd round up-the-line. |
Rusinow opening leads, but not in trumps or when leading partner's suit. 3/5 vs suits, 4th vs NT, 2nd vs NT from 3 or 4 small. Honor leads in middle of hand are generally standard, and spot cards are generally attitude. |
udca. attitude, then ud present count, then suit preference. 3 situations where AT TRICK ONE ONLY, we play standard, not UDCA. suits: lead of King, guarded Queen in dummy. NT: Singleton honor in dummy winning, or, partner leads honor card, singleton or void in dummy.
Trump suit preference optional. Alarm Smith vs NT: opening leader echo is discouraging, opening leader's partner echo is encouraging. |