System Summary Form (SSF), 2021 JLall Online Teams #4

Team: Clayton Last Updated May 4, 2021 at 21:22
Players: Phil Clayton - Andrew Gumperz

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

"Martian Standard"

Opening Bids:

1C is 11+ and a one round force. If balanced, it will contain 11-13, 17-19 or 22+, otherwise it will contain long clubs and an unbalanced hand.

1D / 1H and 1S are also a one round force, 13+ and will be unbalanced. We will shade the requirement if we hold a side spades.

1N is 14-16 (1/2) and 15-17 (3/4).

2x = 10-13 and 5+ in suit.

3N is a good 4 of a major opening

Responses to be aware of:

1C - ?

1D / 1H = 4+ H/S.
1S = no major
1N = GF Quasi Relay
2m = invitational + in other minor
2H = invitational 5S / 4H+
2S = Both minors, less than invite
2N = 55 minors, inv +

1D - ?

1H may be 3 cards if a very weak hand
1N = GF Relay
2C = natural and less than an invite
2H = balanced 8-10
2S = constructive raise in D's

1H - ?

1S = similar to a forcing NT
1N = Game forcing relay
2C = 5+S's and less than an invite
2D = constructive raise

1S -

2C = Game forcing relay
2D = 5+H's and less than an invite
2H = constructive raise

Competitive Methods:

1. We use transfers in many competitive auctions
2. Over your natural 1m opening, we play overcall structure:

- Double = 15+ and usually balanced
- Jump Overcalls are two suited
- 1N is similar to a takeout x and may be lighter

3. Over your Strong Club, Precision 1D or Balanced or Polish club, we play:

- Double = majors
- 1N = one minor
- 2C = both majors
- 2D = one major (less than opening hand)
- 2M = Intermediate (over a Precision 1D or Balanced Club) or M + side minor (over strong club).
- Pass and double shows strong NT +

5. Over your 1N opening we play Woolsey / Multi-Landy depending on range

General Bidding Style

1C may be as light as a nice 10 count NV, but the expected strength is 11.

If 1D, 1H or 1S do not contain a side major, the openings are very sound. With a side major it may be as weak as 10.

In 3rd seat, 2x may be shaded.

Preempts range from very light (1st / 3rd NV vs Vul) to very sound (2nd vul).

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Rusinow Leads vs suits (3+) and NT (4+) except in other people's 4+ suits and when preemptor leads a side suit. Spot leads are 3rd from even, low from odd vs suits and 2nd from bad suits and 4th otherwise vs NT.

In middle game, we play Jack denies. Spot leads through dummy are 3rd / low and attitude through declarer.

Defensive Signals

Standard count, attitude and suit preference. Reverse Smith vs NT.

We tend to signal with count - unless partner leads an honor or the situation calls for something else.

If we think we know enough about the hand, we will signal suit preference, or nothing at all.