USA Blue (Justin Lall-Jeremy Fournier, Matt Meckstroth-Kevin Dwyer, Kevin Fay-Jason Chiu) has finished with a bronze medal in the first World Youth Chapionships IMP team event. After winning the Swiss qualifying for the KO, USA Blue defeated Greecoura in the Quarterfinals,  lost to Italy Red in the Semifinals and defeated Netherlands Red in the playoff for the Bronze. USA Red (Alex Hudson-John Marriott, Owen Lien-Zach Brescoll, Adam Kaplan-Cam Shunta) has also won a bronze medal, finishing third in the Board-a-Match team event. All six pairs will now move on to the Pairs events (matchpoints and IMPs), played on Thursday-Sunday. For current scores of all the events, go to the tournament website and click on RESULTS.  You can also get to the tournament bulletins as they are published. If you get a "Service Unavailable" message, try back later; apparently the WBF server is having some problems.

Here's a write up of one of the hands from the bronze medal playoff , from the New York Times.

Congratulations to our teams.


All 6 USBF pairs made the finals of the Matchpoint Pairs event in Istanbul. The USBF  pairs finished as follows:

10. Fournier-Lall
15. Chiu-Fay
17. Hudson-Marriott
23. Dwyer-Meckstroth
28. Kaplan-Shunta
31. Lien-Brescoll