System Information

BXiao-Jeng System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Hu-Zhou System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card
Duffie-Wan System Summary Form, ACBL Convention Card

About the Players

Brent Xiao
   Brent Xiao updated  Brent Xiao was born and raised in Silicon Valley and is currently
a sophomore studying Statistics and Machine Learning,
and Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, PA.

He has been playing bridge since age 12 and was a member of Silicon
Valley Youth Bridge until graduating from the program in 2018. Notably,
he represented the USA U21 team in the world youth championships in 2018.
Richard Jeng 
Richard Jeng updated  Richard is a senior at the Georgia Institute of Technology majoring in Economics and minoring in International Affairs. He started playing bridge in an Atlanta Junior Bridge summer camp over 13 years ago. Since then, bridge has been an integral piece of his life, spanning numerous international tournaments and NABCs. He owes his accomplishments to AJB and USBF. Outside of bridge, he just finished his law school applications and is preparing to sell his soul. 
Michael Hu 
   Michael Hu  
Arthur Zhou 
 Arthur Zhou  
Cornelius Duffie
Cornelius Duffie  
Grew up in the SF Bay Area where he learned to play bridge in middle school. Now a second year at McGill University in Montreal.
favorite bridge score: two hearts making  (plus eleventy)
favorite color: Not Red.
favorite cloud: scud
favorite convention: double of a one heart opening bid showing an opening hand with short hearts and support for the other suits
Stella (Qinqin) Wan 
  Stella Wan