System Summary Form (SSF), 2016 USBC

Team: Humphreys Last Updated Apr 20, 2016 at 17:38
Players: Spencer Jones - Peggy Ware

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D opening: precision -- 10-15 w/ 4415 less one card
1D-2H: less than invitational w/5+ Ss and 4+ or 5 Hs
1D-2S: exactly invitational w/5+ Ss and 4+ Hs
1D-3C: less than INV w/ (5+,4+)m
1D-(1H)-2H: 6+S constructive or better
1C (precision) - 1H: any 8-11hcp, hearts not primary unless balanced
Transfers in many competitive situations.

General Bidding Style

Precision Club
1D: 2+ 10+-15 (generally)
2C: 6+ 10+-15 (generally)
1NT: 13+-16 1st,2nd,3rd nv. 14+-17 3rd Vul, 4th.
Frequent upgrades on shape/spots
Opening bids may be 10 points when nv
Weak 2's show 6-card suit 90% of time in 1st/2nd

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

2nd/4th vs NT
3rd and low vs suits
Std Honor leads, A from AK

Defensive Signals

Primary signal is Att.