Team: | OSMO | Last Updated | May 11, 2016 at 11:18 |
Players: | Teri Smoot - Joanne Merry - Mary Ose |
Opening bids tend to be sound in first, second, and fourth seat. Third seat opening bids can be weaker. Usually always five card majors in all seats.
1NT openers will be 15-17 hcp (may open good 14 hcp hands 1NT as well). May well open 1NT with five card majors if shape and hcp justify that. Rarely open drastically off shape hands 1NT. With 44 or 45 in minors will usually open 1D (will open 1C if hand justifies a reverse to 1D later). Play Walsh diamond treatment. Will bypass a four card diamond suit for a major when hand is not forcing to game. 2/1 responses are forcing to either game or the four level in a minor. 2C/1D is a game force. Typical 1NT maximum is 12- hcp. A response of 2C after a forcing 1NT always shows three clubs while a response of 2D may be made with only three diamonds. A response of 2M always shows six or more of the major. When an opponent bids 1NT over partner's opening bid, the next bid by responder becomes a transfer bid. For example, if the bidding goes 1S - (1NT) - 2D - (???), the 2D bid is a transfer to hearts. Note, responder can also retransfer to partner’s suit. |
Spot card and honor leads standard and the same during the hand. Lead 3rd and 5th against suit contracts (4th against NT)but might lead low or high from holding depending on desire for switch of suit by partner.
Use coded 9's and T's on lead (leading 9 or T shows zero or two higher in opener's hand). Also use J denies. No specific defined exceptions to general rules but occasionally will violate lead conventions if something in the bidding/play suggests doing so. Generally lead A from AK when we want partner's attitude towards suit. However, will lead A from AK if we want count in suit (suit contracts) or an unblocking action (against NT). Also, if Q led against NT, suggests leader either has QJTx or KQT9 and asks partner to unblock or give count. |
Primary signal to partner's opening lead is attitude towards the "obvious shift" suit. Standard signals are used for this.
Primary signal to partner's play (after the opneing lead) is attitude unless obvious suit preference situation. Primary signal to opponents play is count. Use BOSTON signals to when breaking new suit. Play upside down attitude but standard current count against suit contract. Use normal Smith Echo against NT contracts only. |