System Summary Form (SSF), 2016 Women's USBC

Team: Wittes Last Updated May 13, 2016 at 09:50
Players: Linda Lewis - Hjordis Eythorsdottir

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Xfers after 1M opening & Opp's dbl starting with 1N(=C*). Also Xfers after Opps open 1NT.

General Bidding Style

Open occasional 11 HCP with 5 card major or in minor with 5+-5+ hands(4441 possible). 2/1 GF exc in comp and then only NF when suit rebid by resp. 14+-17 NT. Rare 4card majs in 3rd seat but possible light opening 3rd seat. Light O'calls(7+HCP)if 5 cd suit. If 4 cd suit then 9+HCP.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3rd & 5th(3rd from 6 cd suit) lds VS suit and 4th Vs NT & attitude with bad holdings(xxx/xxxx). Rusinow leads Vs NT thru the 109xx. Std if leading dummys suit or a short suit(3 cds or less) Starting at trick 2(midhand) 10 is either shortness or promises higher honor-& J/9 deny- (if 3rd seat may want to hold lead). Vs NT K is our power lead and A& Q ask attitude.

Defensive Signals

Upside down count & attitiude-Attitude at trick 1. If sing in dummy in suit we have supported we give suit Pref or middle card says no pref or continue suit. At 5 level we ld A for attitude and K for count. Vs Nt we give attitude unless it is known then count. We use suit pref when opp is declaring if not count situation.