System Summary Form (SSF), 2016 Women's USBC

Team: Palmer Last Updated May 16, 2016 at 21:26
Players: Lynn Deas - Juanita Chambers

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

mixed raises over M or m overcalls & openers
3NT opening solid minor with outside card
def to 1nt openings 2C = 4+C & 5-card M
2D = 4+D & 5-card M 2H = M 2S = nat
dbl 4-card M & longer m 1 suit D H good hand with both M

General Bidding Style

14-16 nt 1st 2nd 3rd 15-17 4th
5-card M could be 4-card M 3rd seat
openings light, 2/1 GF.
We open 11 or 12 BAL, 11 Unbal
May respond with very weak hand
1 level overcalls 7+ HCP. 2-level sounder
1M - 2C = GF, could be doubleton Club
Usually open 1C with 3-3
1NT could have 5-card M(common) or 6-card m
Preempts: wide range
semi F nt

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3rd low vs suits
attitude in middle of hand
4th vs nt
count from interior seq
lead 2nd or 4th from 4 little
high from xxx

Defensive Signals

upside down count & attitude
priority when we lead attitude count SP
priority when they lead count SP
Smith echo vs nt
SP when dummy has shortness
Smith vs nt
if obvious we don't like Smith = concentration
Occasional suit-pref in trumps