Team: | Morse | Last Updated | Jun 2, 2016 at 10:40 |
Players: | Rose Meltzer - John Mohan |
2 - Multi, 5-11 points, weak (usually six-card) major
2 - Flannery, 11-16 hcp, 4S and 5H 2 - Polish, 5S and 5m Over opp 1NT, 2D = 1M |
1NT = 14-16
2NT = 19-20 Aggressive general bidding style |
3 & 5 against suits, 4th against NT
Attitude in middle of hand, generally 2nd -4th Opening Leads: Rusinow vs. NT, Journalist vs. suits |
Odd/Even discards
Trump suit preference Smith echo against NT |