Team: | Moss | Last Updated | Jul 17, 2016 at 15:31 |
Players: | Sue Picus - Alex Ornstein |
Fit showing jumps by PH or in competition
1M - (X) - 2 is constructive raise with 3 or 4 trump Transfers after opener rebids 2NT |
5 card majors with 1NT F, 2/1 forcing to game
IF opening major in 3 or 4 seat, could be 4 card major. Two way checkback after 1NT rebid Inverted minors 1NT 15-17 with 4 suit transfers, 3M Splinters |
Vs Suit: 3rd from even, low from odd
Vs NT: 4th best Vs NT: King asks unblock or count, Ace or Queen asks attitude |
Right side up attitude and count and suit preference.
Attitude is priority over count and suit preference. Trump suit preference. Smith Echo by both hands. |