Team: | Koppel | Last Updated | Dec 2, 2017 at 19:57 |
Players: | Caleb Bradley Colburn - Cooper Smith |
5 card major, 3 card minor, 15-17 1NT, 2/1, opening bids w/ favorable unbalanced vulnerability as low as 10, with unfavorable and unbalanced colors opening 11+, 12+ balanced opener, 8+ 3rd hand unbalanced, balanced 10 or 11, 4th hand 10+ anything, 5-9 2-level preempts |
4th best vs suits and NT, top of nothing vs both, otherwise honor lead promises next highest honor (Ace does NOT promise King in suit contract), singleton vs trump, top of doubleton vs suits, top of a sequence vs both |
UDCA, for partners lead Attitude then suit preference, vs declarer count then suit preference, singling occurs very often |