Team: | Kaplan | Last Updated | Dec 9, 2017 at 16:04 |
Players: | Oren Kriegel - Zachary Grossack |
2 Flannery, can be 4=6, 5=6, maybe 4=7 majors
3NT opening in 1st, 2nd, 3rd seat = both minors, at least (6-5), usually weak but vulnerability conscious Bad-Good 2NT by opener: 2NT is artificial, showing extras and a hand that wants to bid simply on the 3-level; direct 3-level bid (non-jump) is just competitive. E.g. 1 (1) X (2) 2NT = art. extras, could be both minors, long diamonds, or heart raise 3/3/3 = natural, less than invitational Transfers by advancer after we overcall at the 1-level, e.g. (1) 1 (P) ? .............2 = diamonds .............2 = hearts .............2 = good spade raise xfers over 1M (X) and (1x) 1M (X) starting from 1NT |
Light opening style, especially NV. Most 11s NV, some vul.
1NT = 14-16 NV, 15-17 vul in all seats Weak twos can be 5-card suit if NV Light, lead directing overcalls, particularly by ZG |
Standard honor leads vs. suits, A from AK.
Rusinow honors vs. NT, with king power lead 3rd/low from length vs. suits, 4th best vs. NT, can lead highest or second highest from weakness vs. NT |
UDCA, primary attitude
Reverse Smith vs. NT at trick two only Shifting middle of the hand is hybrid count and attitude: can shift high from weakness/no interest, if leading low, may give count (4th NT, 3rd/low suits) |