Team: | Kaplan | Last Updated | Dec 10, 2017 at 03:03 |
Players: | Kevin Rosenberg - Benjamin Kristensen |
2h opener = weak with both majors (4-9 NV, 6-11 Vul) |
14+-17 NT opener, 5 card majors, 2/1, fairly sound opener's (don't opener avg bal 11 in 1/2). Weak 2's fairly sound. |
Vs suits, we lead 2/4, high from doubleton. Vs. NT we lead 4th best, though sometimes 1/2 from a bad holding. Honor leads vs suits are std, and vs NT we lead Rusinow from 4+ cards (K is power). In the middle of the hand, we lead attitude. |
UDCA, Std SP and present count. We play UD smith echo at trick 2 vs. NT. Our priority is attitude on partner's lead, and count on declarer's lead, with some normal exceptions. We signal count a decent amount, but not excessively (we wouldn't if we know it can't help partner). |