Team: | Schireson | Last Updated | Dec 10, 2017 at 22:28 |
Players: | Calix Tang - Aman Desai |
2 over 1, not much besides what is on the convention card |
Tend to bid soundly, even with preempts.
Will open and preempt light in 3rd seat. 15-17 1NT 20-21 2NT 25-27 3NT |
Versus Suits: 3rd and 5th
Versus NoTrump: 4th best We do play BOSTON in the middle of the hand. Top of a sequence lead. |
attitude: high-low = like, low-high = dislike count: low-high = odd, high-low = even suit pref(usually in suit contracts): high for higher suit aside from current and trump, low for lower suit partner leads a suit: attitude then suit pref declarer leads: count then suit pref declarer leads trump: suit pref discarding: attitude then present count Signal often |