Team: | Wei | Last Updated | Dec 10, 2017 at 23:16 |
Players: | Hongji Wei - Chang Liu |
1 opening could only have 2 clubs. Transfer reponse after 1 opening.
2 opening is weak two majors. 2/2 is weak two: 0-8 at NV and 8-12 at V. Direct jump overcalls are 11-14 at V. |
All positions could open light if he has good shape.
3rd opening could be light and only 4-card major. Response could be light (but opener often takes it as 6+ HCP). 15-17 NT Aggressive preempt at NV. Sometimes psychics. |
opening: 4th at NT and 3/5 at suit. 0\2
middle: 3/5 or attitude (low for honors) |
Attitude > Count > SP
High-low stands for encouraging, even or preference for higher suit. Reverse count signal on trump. Smith signal if needed. High for encouraging. Discard: high for encouraging. |