Team: | Fashingbauer | Last Updated | Dec 11, 2017 at 20:29 |
Players: | Morgan Johnstone - Emma Kolesnik |
None |
-Generally aggressive, often lighter style
-Open lighter No Trumps with stronger values or five card suits with touching honors. -3rd hand may be light but whenever it is light it generally guarantees length in spades or hearts -2-way reverse Drury is an option to us, so we’re protected when we open a weaker hand in 3rd or 4th seat. -Preempts - will not preempt with a four card outside major. -Red (us) v. white (opponents) - Very solid preempts in all seats, minimum of 7-8 hcp, distributional, almost always 2 of top 3 or 3 of top 5 -White (us) v. Red (opponents) - Could be weak or short, especially in 3rd seat. -Red (us) v. Red (opponents) - Solid preempts, minimum of 6-7 hcp. Points in the long suit generally. -White (us) v. White (opponents) - Medium preempts, can be weaker in 3rd seat, -Balancing in in the pass-out seat, especially for overcalls. May be short or a little weak. -Balancing seat for NT overcalls: - 10-14 HCP over a minor -11-16 HCP over a major -Solid 2-level and higher overcalls. Especially when vulnerable. -Law of total tricks: -Protected to the level of trump: If we open 1 and partner has 4 hearts in her hand, and there is competition, with very few points, partner can (and will) jump to 3. (9 Trump are necessary to go to 3-level, 10 trump for 4-level, etc.) Only used in competition. |
Normally, we lead A from AK. But, if we hold AK tight, we lead the K, and then the A.
3rd/5th. Against suits, top of two touching honors. Against NT, top of three touching honors. Top of nothing leads. When leading a suit back for partner to ruff, gives suit preference. Lead an honor (if holding one) in partner's bid suit. (So, if partner bid hearts, and I hold Kxx in hearts, I will lead the K) |
-Upside down attitude and count
- High signals you don’t like the suit, low signals you like the suit - High-low shows odd number of cards in the suit, and low-high shows even number of cards in the suit. -Odd-even on the first discard -Odd shows that you like the suit that your discarding - Even shows that you don’t like the suit your playing as well as suit preference. -Primary signal is attitude When opponents are leading suit, suit preference is shown - Low for low, high for high In NT, inference on which suit is based off of attitude signal towards lead Towards opening lead by partner, attitude is shown, except in obvious necessary suit switch situations where then suit preference is shown (e.g. Lead dummy’s singleton, etc.) When discarding (save for the first discard, which is odd-even), suit preference is shown. |