Team: | Stephani | Last Updated | Dec 12, 2017 at 15:35 |
Players: | Isaac Stephani - Julian Kurtzman |
Transfers over 1C, frequent transfers by responder if direct overcall interferes.
Ex. 1 - X - 1 (like 1NT) 1 - 1 - 1 (4+S) After 1, we invert 1 and 1NT response 1 - 1 (0-4 spades, Forcing) 1 - 1NT (5+S) 2 opening is weak with 6M 2 and 2 opening is weak with 5M, 4+ minor 1M - 2NT (weak with both minors) 1M -2 is a general GF, could be short. No Michaels, all jump overcalls are known 2 suited. Over strong Club, 2 = Both majors 2 = single major 2/ = 5M, 4m 1NT = Long minor and 4M 1 level bids are lead directing Very aggressive non-vul. |
Tend to open light, very aggressive both over-calling and competing. Especially aggressive 3rd seat and favorable |
Leads 3/low against suits, 4th best against NT. Will always lead count from partners bid suit unless we supported, then we lead an honor or top of what we have. |
Upside down, carding and discards. standard remaining count. Reverse Smith Echo vs. NT both people. Give trump proxy count when necessary, Ace asks for attitude, K asks for Count. Signal when necessary.
We give what we deem necessary for the hand, be it count or attitude. 3rd position we normally give count, if 2nd hand played high. |