System Summary Form (SSF), 2018 USBC

Team: Harris Last Updated Apr 15, 2018 at 17:25
Players: Matthew Granovetter - Pam Granovetter

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1C opening strong, usually 17 bal, 16 unbal, artificial responses:
1H - limited controls and points
1S - balanced
1N - one 6 card M or longer or both Majors 5422 or 55 or longer
2C - same but a minor
2D - 5431 type with either minor or 5H and 5 minor
2H - 5S and 5431 type or 5S and 5 minor
2S - 5H and 5431 type
2N - 5M and 6m
3C - 4414 or 4441
3D - 1444
3H - 4144
3S - nat NF
3N - Blackwood
4C - long hearts weak
4D - long spades weak
4M - Weak also
4N - forgot to bid 3N

1D opening maybe short (0); 1D-1NT=artificial GF, usually balanced, but may be any distribution.

1D-1H may be fewer than 4 if no 4-card M and less than GF.
It's forcing, usually less than 12 pts., fewer than 4 cards only about 30% of the time, could be a normal 1NT response or a minor-suit hand. We raise with 4H and a max and a side minor, and responder can scramble out of 2H with less than 3 of them.

Kaplan Inversion: 1S responses to 1H=forcing NT (may include 4 spades) and 1NT response to 1H=5+ spades
One-under response to 1M opening is a good raise in the M.
2D response to 1S shows five+ hearts, less than a GF.
1M-2C artificial GF
1NT opening = 14+-16 or (low percentage) 13 with a 5-card M
2NT opening 16+ with five hearts and a five card minor

General Bidding Style

Normal strength opening bids; maybe light with 64 shapes
1M opening never 5332 in first or second seat, so 1NT opening (14+-16 usually) may be opened with a 13-point hand (rarely a good-looking 12) with 5M
1D may be short as zero if 4405.
Opening two bids natural (2C or 2D=11-15, 2M=5-11)

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

vs. suits, fourth best, ace from AK, MUD from exactly 3 small cards
vs. NT, ace from AK, jack denies and ten implies higher honor, fourth best

Defensive Signals

Obvious shift (Low card discourages the suit led and encourages the obvious shift, or high card encourages the suit led and discourages the obvious shift. The obvious shift vs a suit contract is a natural bid suit by us or a three-card side suit in dummy; if no 3-card suit in dummy, a 4-card suit, and when 2 suits in play it's the suit with fewer honors or weaker HCP or lower.
VS. NT third hand gives count at trick one if dummy wins the trick with the jack or lower, or queen-jack.
When following suit, we give count unless it looks like suit preference is needed; or occasionally if count looks to be more important to declarer than partner, we'll just play randomly.