Team: | Grossack | Last Updated | Apr 19, 2019 at 15:09 |
Players: | Alex Hudson - Peter Boyd-Bowman |
2D overcall of 1NT shows 1 major if 2D bidder is an UPH and we consider the 1NT opening strong (16 in range and not 3rd white).
We play a 2C opening is either 18-19 balanced, 22-24 balanced, or a GF distributional hand without primary hearts. Our 2D opening is 100% GF and is either some Kokish rebid hand, a 3-suiter, or a long minor with a problem in one side suit. Our 2H opening is similar to flannery, but can be 4-6 or 5-6 and the range is 10-15- if 4-5 and 9+-13- otherwise. Gazzilli after 1M-1NT and 1H-1S (1NT is gazzilli or diamonds and 2D is most hands with 3+S) 1m-2H is reverse flannery less than INV |
2/1 with Weak NT (11-14 all the time). 5 card majors and 3 card minors. 1M may be only 4 in 3/4 seat.
Preempts generally sounder than most. We may be lighter with any of our actions if vulnerability calls for it. |
Rusinow honor leads against all contracts with the following exceptions: partner’s suit, dummy’s suit, preemptor leading a side suit, and 3 or fewer against NT. 3/low against suits and standard spots against NT except that we may choose to lead 2nd from 4/5 small. Generally attitude leads in the middle of the hand. |
UDCA. Standard suit preference and present count when given. Att, ct, SP is our priority order in general. |