System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Open USBC

Team: Watson Last Updated Apr 12, 2019 at 20:55
Players: Debbie Rosenberg - Vinita Gupta

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

General Bidding Style

2/1 GF 1N 14+17

Open bal 12, rarely bal 11, Always 1C with 3-3. Optional with 4-4, but tend toward 1D. Almost always 1C with 4-5.

Preempts tend to be fairly sound in 1st and 2nd seat - usually a good suit, except perhaps at favorable

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

3rd and low vs. suits.
4th best vs. NT.
Std honor leads.
A from AKx vs. suits except 5 level+ or suit we have bid and raised
K asks for unblock or count vs. NT
May lead high or second high from bad suits vs. NT.

After trick one, J lead denies a higher honor. 10/9 may be from HJT or HT9
Spot card shifts are attitude

Defensive Signals

Standard signals

Normally our first signal is attitude on partner's lead, except suit pref if no more tricks can be set up or cashed in that suit.

Normally our first signal on declarer's lead is count, but we often don't give count when we think it might help declarer more than partner.

Frequent suit pref, including trump