System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Open USBC

Team: Lo Last Updated Apr 13, 2019 at 11:57
Players: Adam Wildavsky - Doug Doub

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Our 2D opening shows a three suited hand, 11-14 HCP, 4441 or 5440, with any shortness.

Our 2D overcall of a 1NT opening shows H or S.

We use transfer responses over doubles of our one of a suit openings, starting with redouble. 1S shows the values for 1NT or better.

Our runouts over 1NT doubled are ostensibly natural, but if we bid a minor and redouble we show a 4441 hand with the suit bid and two higher ranking suits, while if we bid a minor and run we show the suit we run to and a higher suit.

General Bidding Style

Five card Majors, Weak (12-14) NT, 2m/1M forcing to game except when responder rebids his suit once or opener rebids his suit twice.

We open most balanced hands with 12 HCP. Our minor suit openings tend to be sound. Our major suit openers can be light.

Our overcalls tend to be sound.

Our doubles of suit partscores tend to be for takeout, whether or not partner has bid. We have several exceptions.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

Rusinow honor leads versus suits and NT, except for partner's and dummy's suits, or by a pre-emptor in a side suit.

Against suits we lead 3rd best from even, lowest from odd, but will lead high from 3 small in partner‘s raised suit.

Against NT we lead 4th best from the Jack or 109 or better.

Defensive Signals

We use upside down attitude signals and standard count and suit preference.

Our signaling priority is Attitude, then Count, then Suit Preference. We try, though, to give the signal that will be most useful to partner.

We sometimes give suit preference in the trump suit.

We use the obvious shift principle at trick one – third hand‘s card is never suit preference.

Count Echo vs NT: Third hand‘s signal in the first suit declarer plays shows present count in the suit of the opening lead, other things being equal.