Team: | Rosenthal | Last Updated | Apr 22, 2019 at 22:32 |
Players: | Eldad Ginossar - Chris Willenken |
1 opening either NAT or BAL (11-14/17-19)
1 is either a) unbalanced, 5+ or b) 4 in some 4441 or c) 5332 11-14 HCP 2 opening is Flannery (could be 4-5, 4-6, or 5-6) response to 1 are in transfers, including 2red 1-1 either a) BAL no 4M, or b) 5+, may have side 4M if GF transfers in direct competition Namyats responses to 1m (4=, 4=) (1m)-2 NAT (1m)-2 Michaels special overcalls when facing an unpassed partner: (1m) 2 is 5\6-4, 10-13 HCP if 4-5 (could be light if 4-6) (1m) 2 is 5+5om (1M) 3m is 5m + 5oM (1M)-2M is 4oM, 5+, sound opening+ Opposite passed partner, these jumps are PRE and (1M)-2M is Michaels Multi-Landy vs. 1NT opening |
aggressive 3L opening when favorable (also NV), normal when VUL
1NT NV= 14 to 16; good 13 when favorable. (open 1C on most BAL 11s) 1NT Vul= (14+)15 to 17 (pass most BAL 11s) |
4th against NT (attitude in own long suit), 3rd and low against suit contracts if we are leading partner's suit. in the middle of the hand play ATT (might be mixed with 3/low vs. suits)
Honor leads against NT play rusinow, otherwise Nat, K is a power lead against suit lead A from AK unless: doublton, demanding count in 5L or other specific situations |
standard signals and discards
primary signal at trick 1 is ATT unless count is crucial, play smith\SP in trick 2 in NT and SP in the trump suit in the middle of the hand tend to play more SP then count |