Team: | Grossack | Last Updated | Apr 24, 2019 at 13:09 |
Players: | Adam Grossack - John McAllister |
No methods that require advanced preparation |
We play 2/1 Game Forcing. Opening bids, overcalls and preempts may be aggressive, especially third in hand. 1NT is 15-17 and may include a singleton honor. 5 card preempts are possible but not crazy aggressive.
We play 3/5 vs. suits and attitude vs. NT. Mid-hand we play attitude shifts. Shifting count-based is rare, but 4th best if we do. |
We play upside-down count and attitude throughout and Suit-Preference in smith situations. We also give immediate suit preference if we have shown a 5+card suit in the bidding at trick 1. In general attitude, suit-preference then count is our signaling order. We give count when there is a long suit on dummy or can't beat jack or lower 3rd to play; otherwise attitude signals take priority. |