System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Open USBC

Team: Donn Last Updated Apr 29, 2019 at 20:23
Players: Huub Bertens - Curtis Cheek

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2C = either a weak 2 bid in D or a normal strong 2C opener
2D = always a weak 2 bid in a Major
2H/S = 5-5+ in the bid Major + a 5+ card in a minor
Favorable in first we might be 5’4

Our 1C opening is absolutely not forcing but we tend not to pass.
1C - 1D = is either natural or any 0-7
1C - 1M = 7+ Hcp ( we might bid 1M with KQ109x and out)
1C-1D-1H either nat or weak NT
1C-1D-1S = 4+C 4S
1C-1D-1N = 17-19
1C-1D-2N = very strong 3C bid
otherwise 1C-1D-rebid = nat

2C-2D=no game opposite weak 2D
2C-2M=nat, NF

General Bidding Style

We open a short club but only with 4=4=3=2 or sometimes with a hand stronger then a 1NT opener. Even in this case we will NEVER have a 5 card Major or Diamonds.
We open almost all balanced 11 counts, we might pass 4333 hands with a 4card Major because we can’t show the Major anyway.
NT range is 14-16 in 1st,2nd and favorable in 3rd. Otherwise 15-17

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

We lead 4th against NT and 3rd and low against suit contracts.
Against NT we lead Rusinow from 4 or more.
In the middle of the hand we play 2nd and 4th THROUGH decalarer, standard through dummy.
If we lead an Ace it asks for attitude, a King for unblock or count.

Defensive Signals

Our carding is upside down count and attitude with a strong tendency to count.
Our first discard is odd even, the rest of our carding is mainly reversed count.