Team: | Morris | Last Updated | Apr 25, 2019 at 11:58 |
Players: | Eddie Wold - Michael Levine |
3NT opening = long, broken minor
Namyats: 4m opening = strong preempt in corresponding major 1M (X) 2NT = weak in either minor Over your 1NT overcall, we play Stayman and transfers by responder |
1NT opening = 15-17
Over 1m: 1m – 2m = GF raise 1m – 2 = 5 , 4-5 , 4-9 HCP 1 – 2 and 1 – 2 = limit raise 1 – 2 and 1 – 3 = weak minor raise OR concealed splinter with 15+ HCP 1m – 3m = mixed raise Over 1M: 1M – 2NT = GF 4+ raise 1 – 2 and 1 – 3 = limit raise OR concealed void splinter with 12+ HCP 1 – 3 and 1 – 3 = concealed singleton splinter with 12+ HCP 1 – 3 and 1 – 3 = mixed raise 1M – 3M = preemptive raise 1M – 3NT = 4M bid with some defense |
Jack denies a higher honor
9 or 10 = zero or two higher honors Vs. NT Ace asks for count or unblock King asks for attitude Queen asks for unblock of the jack |
Upside-down count and attitude
Standard suit preference |