Team: | Lall | Last Updated | Apr 25, 2019 at 12:44 |
Players: | Jerry Clerkin - Dennis Clerkin |
2H and 2S over 1D show 5+ S and 4+ H weak and invitational respectively
We play transfers after a 1Bid and. TO double Also some transfers after we overcall. |
We play precision And open light
Our nt opener is 14-16 Our 2C opener promises at least six Clubs Our 1D opener can be as short as 2 |
We play 3rd/5th against suit.4th against NT
Standard carding,generally we play attitude Rusinow from 4 or more opening lead at NT |
We play attitude first then count,we signal count when declarer leads a suit if we think it is important. We frequently signal when we lead the suit NF often signal when deccaler leads the suit |