System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Women's USBC

Team: Eythorsdottir Last Updated Apr 26, 2019 at 20:23
Players: Janice Seamon-Molson - Lynn Deas

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

Transfer Advances over 1M or 2M x
Major and Minor suit jump raises are mixed
1M p 3C = 4 card LR

General Bidding Style

14+-17 NT
2/1 GF
Semi-forcing NT by UPH
Aggressive bidding
Will open shapely 10 pt hands if deem appropriate
5 card majors but may open lead directing 4 card in 3rd seat
Open 1club with 3-3 in Minors
Only systemically open 1d with 3 if 4/4/3/2
Will bypass M over 1c 1d

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

We lead 3/5 in suits
4/attitude in NT
Honor card leads are Russinow from 4+ In NT
King power lead so KQX must lead q regardless of length
Never Russinow in partners suit

Defensive Signals

Carding is upside down ct and attitude
STD suit preference and remainder count