Team: | Bjerkan | Last Updated | Apr 26, 2019 at 14:17 |
Players: | Cheri Bjerkan - Rozanne Pollack |
2 opening shows short , 11-15 (4414,4315,3415,4405).
1 opening shows 2+s 11-15. Transfers after 1M-(DBL) and (1x)-1M-(DBL) |
Precision 1 (16+) (may have less with shape),
5-card Majors (may have 4 in 3rd & 4th), 1=2+ 11-15, 2=6+ 11-15, Variable NT's: 1st and 2nd NV = 10-12, 1st and 2nd V = 14-16, 3rd and 4th = 15-17. 2/1 game force. Weak 2's in Majors. Light initial action. 1 level overcalls may be light. |
Vs. suits 3rd from even, low from odd (may lead high from 3 small in raised suit).
Attitide in the middle of the hand. 4th best leads vs. NT. |
Standard attitude,count, and suit preference.
We tend to give attitude, then count, then suit preference. A from AK unless 5M level +. Regular Smith echo vs NT. Odd-Even 1st discard. With shortness in the dummy, low or high tends to be suit preference. |