Team: | Eythorsdottir | Last Updated | Apr 27, 2019 at 17:14 |
Players: | Cindy Bernstein - Sally Wheeler |
transfer lebensohl in competition over 1NT (slow denies) |
5-card majors (cd be 4 in 3rd, 4th)
12-14 NT (cd have 5-card major) 1 or shows at least 3, cd be strong NT responses to 1 or 1 may be light response of 1 to 1 cd be 3 |
4th best opening leads from interest vs suits and NT
may lead 2nd hi from 4 usually lead high from 3 small standard honor leads |
standard count and attitude
may suit preference in trump smith vs NT: ONLY by opener who has led an honor from interior sequence |