Team: | Mahaffey | Last Updated | May 11, 2019 at 13:44 |
Players: | Lew Stansby - Matthew Granovetter |
1-2= 5-4/5 less than INV. 1-2 = 5-4/5 INV
1M-2 = ART GF relay, 0+ 1-2 = . If 5 = INV. If 6+ may be 0 hcp up to minimum GF 1-2 and 1-2 = 3-card support, very good single raise or LR or bal min COG (occasionally 4-card support) 3NT opening (1st & 2nd position) = Both minors 11+cards, less than opening bid Transfers in many competitive situations. Vs Strong NT: dbl = 4M & 5+m, 2 = +, 2 = 1 major VS Weak NT (by UPH): dbl = penalty, 2 = +, 2 = 5+, 2 = 5+, 2 = 4 & 5+minor, 2NT = 4 & 5+minor |
Initial responses to any opening may be 0+ hcp 1 = 16+ unbal or 17+ bal (may upgrade) 1 = 2+ (10)11-15 May pass balanced 11 vul or open balanced 10 not vul (stiff honor possible but rare) 1M (1st & 2nd)= 5+. 1NT NF. All 2/1's ART (see above) 1NT response could be heavy (11/12-) or light (especially NV) 1NT (5M frequent) = 14-16 1,2,3nv, 15-17 3rd v & 4th 2 = 6+, (10)11-15. May have any 4/5 card side suit. May be 5 in 3rd seat 2 = 4414, 4405, 3415, 4315, (10)11-15 2M = 4-10 HCP, usually 6 cards 3x opening may be very light at favorable |
4th best vs. all (NT may lead high or 2nd from xxxx)
Standard honors vs. all (vs suits: A from AK except when doubleton, shifting to a singleton or at 5+ level) 4th in middle of hand if we're trying to give count, but attitude leads more frequent. |
Upside-down count and attitude
Standard present count Trump suit preference Smith vs NT (high encourages opening lead) but suit pref when holding is known Priority is att, count, suit pref, but is highly context-dependent. Tend to give suit pref when dummy has stiff in suit contracts. |