System Summary Form (SSF), 2019 Michael Seamon Junior USBC - U21

Team: Xiao Last Updated Dec 11, 2019 at 16:32
Players: Stella Wan - Cornelius Duffie

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1m - 2♥ : balanced invitation
1m - 2â™  : mixed raise
3NT : (56)+ minors in 1st or 2nd seat (3-9 hcp nv, 6-10 hcp vul); gambling 3rd or 4th seat

General Bidding Style

Occasionally pass balanced 12 counts, moreso vulnerable
Open many unbalanced 10 and 11 counts
3rd seat, regularly open light with a good suit
3rd/4th seat, may rarely have a 4-card major if willing to pass any natural response
33 minors open 1c; 44 minors, open 1d; 45 minors, always 1c
With 56 hands, nearly always open the 6-card suit
1NT: 15–17, occasional upgrades, rare downgrades; may regularly have 5M or 6m; (5422) hands sometimes 1nt (especially if rebid problems); rarely singleton honour
2NT: 20–21, same as 1NT in terms of shape

Rarely 5-card suit, usually only if nv and 3rd seat
1/2 seat weak two will very rarely have a side 4-card major, may have a long minor
3-level preempts are usually 7-card suits when red, may be 6-cards if white
Generally expect decent suit quality, but not much particular strength

Regularly respond very light (0+ hcp). nearly always with: a 5-card major, a stiff or void in partner’s suit, an ace
1c - 1d only has a 4-card major if inv+ with 5+ diamonds
In 2/1 auctions, rebidding major shows 6, a new suit at the 3-level doesn’t show extras

Doubles are takeout/values unless defined as penalty
Redoubles are sos at 1 or 2-level, or at the 3-level in balancing seat; otherwise penalty
Passes of redoubles are penalty at the 3-level and higher, otherwise takeout

2/1 in competition may not have full 10 hcp, many follow-ups are nf
1M - (x) - 3♣ mixed raise
Jump raises always mixed unless another mixed raise is available

Psychics    (。Θ ω Θ。)
Rarely, very light lead-directing bids in 3rd seat, especially if nv

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

4th from an honour, or occasionally from 5 small
From xxx(xx), highest or second highest; always highest if touching
4th in partner’s suit if not raised
A/Q power leads: asks for unblock of a lower honor, if you don’t have a lower honor give count on the A and attitude on the Q
K: asks for attitude
Standard honor leads otherwise

3rd from even, low from odd
A from AK except AK tight, at the 5-level
Standard honor leads

Shifts are attitude

Defensive Signals

Standard Present Count
On partner’s leads, attitude then count then suit preference
On declarer’s leads, generally count and then suit preference on the second trick