Team: | Xiao | Last Updated | Dec 11, 2019 at 16:32 |
Players: | Stella Wan - Cornelius Duffie |
1m - 2♥ : balanced invitation
1m - 2â™ : mixed raise 3NT : (56)+ minors in 1st or 2nd seat (3-9 hcp nv, 6-10 hcp vul); gambling 3rd or 4th seat |
Occasionally pass balanced 12 counts, moreso vulnerable Open many unbalanced 10 and 11 counts 3rd seat, regularly open light with a good suit 3rd/4th seat, may rarely have a 4-card major if willing to pass any natural response 33 minors open 1c; 44 minors, open 1d; 45 minors, always 1c With 56 hands, nearly always open the 6-card suit 1NT: 15–17, occasional upgrades, rare downgrades; may regularly have 5M or 6m; (5422) hands sometimes 1nt (especially if rebid problems); rarely singleton honour 2NT: 20–21, same as 1NT in terms of shape Preempts Rarely 5-card suit, usually only if nv and 3rd seat 1/2 seat weak two will very rarely have a side 4-card major, may have a long minor 3-level preempts are usually 7-card suits when red, may be 6-cards if white Generally expect decent suit quality, but not much particular strength Responses Regularly respond very light (0+ hcp). nearly always with: a 5-card major, a stiff or void in partner’s suit, an ace 1c - 1d only has a 4-card major if inv+ with 5+ diamonds In 2/1 auctions, rebidding major shows 6, a new suit at the 3-level doesn’t show extras Doubles/Redoubles Doubles are takeout/values unless defined as penalty Redoubles are sos at 1 or 2-level, or at the 3-level in balancing seat; otherwise penalty Passes of redoubles are penalty at the 3-level and higher, otherwise takeout Competition 2/1 in competition may not have full 10 hcp, many follow-ups are nf 1M - (x) - 3♣ mixed raise Jump raises always mixed unless another mixed raise is available Psychics   (。Θ ω Θ。) Rarely, very light lead-directing bids in 3rd seat, especially if nv |
4th from an honour, or occasionally from 5 small From xxx(xx), highest or second highest; always highest if touching 4th in partner’s suit if not raised A/Q power leads: asks for unblock of a lower honor, if you don’t have a lower honor give count on the A and attitude on the Q K: asks for attitude Standard honor leads otherwise Suits 3rd from even, low from odd A from AK except AK tight, at the 5-level Standard honor leads Midhand Shifts are attitude |
Standard Present Count On partner’s leads, attitude then count then suit preference On declarer’s leads, generally count and then suit preference on the second trick |