Team: | Ge | Last Updated | Dec 5, 2019 at 00:11 |
Players: | Brandon Ge - Olivia Schireson |
Over Big Club​ Mathe: X majors; 1NT minors; others natural. After 1D(precision): Treat as normal 1D opening
UnU vs UnU H/H L/L Last train: after serious slam try, after pard denies control in a suit, cue bidding the suit directly after the suit partner bids shows the control pard denies Non Serious 3NT: after game forcing auction and agreed trump suit at three level: 3NT= interest in slam 4x slam try |
Open with 12 points+ or distributional 11 3 clubs, 3 diamonds, 5 hearts, and 5 spades required to open the suit. no changes in third and fourth seat |
4th best. A from AK, top of sequence. J from KJT or AJT. |
Standard. Attitude, then count, then suit pref. |