Team: | Xiao | Last Updated | Dec 13, 2019 at 02:09 |
Players: | Arthur Zhou - Michael Hu |
2D Flannery - Exactly 4 and 5 (Although it is on GCC)
Standard 2/1 GF, 2M rebid shows 6
1NT 14+-17, could be with a 5-card major or 6-card minor 5-card majors, openings may be light and lead-directing in third seat. Usually respond with an ace OR a 5-card major May be light preempting in third seat OR when non-vulnerable |
Opening leads are standard, A from AK, K is power against notrump
Attitude in middle of the hand, high tends to deny an honor, low tends to show one |
Upside-Down count and attitude against suit and notrump contracts. Attitude is primary signal unless it is obvious you cannot have anything in the suit. Against slams we signal less often than against games/partscores.