Team: | Kaplan | Last Updated | Dec 13, 2019 at 19:47 |
Players: | Arjun Dhir - Yichen Yin |
Sometimes light opening nonvul. 14-16 NT May include 13 w good 5cm. 2D preempt May contain 4cM. Transfers over 1M(x) |
Open most 11s, some 10s based on seat and color. 3rd seat and nonvul tend to be more loose. Nt overcall generally 15-18. Transfers over 1M(X) |
3/ low vs suits.
Attitude leads against no trump. K is count or unblock vs NT. |
Upside down carding, standard smith. Trump suit preference if applicable. A/Q ask attitude against NT. Primary signal is attitude. K is count or unblock in Nt. |