Team: | NIckell | Last Updated | Apr 19, 2018 at 20:02 |
Players: | Bobby Levin - Steve Weinstein |
2 opening = Flannery
3NT in 1st and 2nd seat = 4 of a minor PRE 3NT in 3rd and 4th seat = Gambling Transfer responses to overcalls Reverse Flannery responses to 1 of a minor opening |
5-card Majors
14+-17 NT 2/1 game forcing Reasonably sound openers except 3-level PRE 1st seat favorable may be weak. |
Vs NT: Attitude spot cards, Rusinow honor leads(from 4 or more)
Vs suit: 3rd/5th but may lead high from xxx, especially if we have raised the suit/ Hj10xx or H109xx we lead standard but 3rd from 3 or 4. Attitude in middle of hand(mixed with some 3rd and 5th) ' Verse NT- 10 or 9 through declarer when dummy has no higher card. usually promises one higher (not J10) otherwise 10 or 9 is usually 0 or 2. |
Suit Preference at trick 1 vs suits, and vs NT when 3rd seat defender has shown length in the suit
Upside Down Attitude Standard Count Signaling priority is Attitude, Count, SP Suit Preference in trumps; if by opening leader could be asking for ruff Smith vs NT (high low = we like opening lead suit) Standard Att. on Ace lead if ruff is possible or against NT and we haven't shown length. |