Team: | Meyers | Last Updated | Oct 17, 2020 at 13:01 |
Players: | Michael Becker - Michael Kamil |
(1any) 1M-(Neg X): 1N thru 2 under TRF, TRF to O's suit is 3 trump limit raise.
1M-(X): 1N thru 2 under our M TRF. One under in both above Artificial, 7-9 raise. Similar transfers after 2 or 3 M bids and 2 or 3 M jump O/C and your Neg X Vs Str NT or Wk NT by PH: 2=+, 2=+, 2M NAT, X = + another suit Vs Wk NT UPH: PEN X, Landy Play Wk NT Defense if you advise that you have psyched Str 1N F.V. After our 1m opening, 4m response M trf: 4=, 4= (no comp) |
Usually 5 card Majors (1N Resp Semi-F, 5-11)
1NT 15-17 (often with 5 card major, occ 5422 or SING honor, 5% of 14 HCP hands opened 1N, 5% of 17 HCP hands treated stronger) 2/1 GF, 2/1M suspect length, 2 red usually 5, 3 under INV 3rd hand may be light, esp at Fav Vul Preempts may be light 1st and 3rd or at FV, 4 level wide range WJO may be light or heavy when partner PH Open bal hands w/ 12 HCP or super 11; Occ unbal hands w/ 11 HCP, less at FV Control resp to 2 opening |
Vs Suit: Std. honor leads. 3rd from even, low odd, but lead high from 4 small after raising partner's suit. A from AK thru 4 level unless suit raised.
Count when K led 5+ level Vs NT: 4th best, but often lead high or second high from bad 4+ card suits [but Mike B sometimes low from xxx] Usually low from xxx in partner's suit King asks count or unblock; Ace or Queen asks attitude; Other honors std Smith Echo by both (high = like) Mike B Occ leads incorrect honor or spot |
Std. Attitude, Count and Suit Preference.
Signaling priority: Attitude, Count, Suit Preference, but give what's needed most Often give suit preference in the trump suit or side suit. Occ spot led is SP. |