System Summary Form (SSF), 2020 JLall Online Teams #1

Team: Jacobs Last Updated Oct 17, 2020 at 16:46
Players: Drew Becker - Larry Robbins

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

1 club opening can be as short as 2 and have longer diamonds.
1 diamond opening shows 5, could be 5-3-3-2 unless exactly 4-4-4-1

2NT in competition is usually not natural--if we have opened or overcalled 1M, it is an offensively oriented limit plus raise, otherwise it is more often 2 places to play than lebensohl

1M-3 clubs is a limit raise with 3 or 4 card support, could be a minimum game-forcing 4 card raise (1M-2NT directly is a sound-plus game forcing raise)

1M-2 clubs is 2+/can just be a balanced game force
1M-2 diamonds promises 5

General Bidding Style

Drew opens a little lighter than Larry, 3rd can be light especially with a good suit, no special agreements

1NT is 14+-17ish

1c opening is 2+, can be any balanced hand usually no 5 card side suit
1d is 5 (can be 5-3-3-2) unless exactly 4-4-4-1
5 card majors

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

leads are rusinow throughout. 4th vs nt, 3/low vs suits, attitude in the middle of the hand

Defensive Signals

standard signals, normal priority attitude/count/suit preference but try to give what we think partner will need

we don't do a ton of signaling...just when we think it will help