System Summary Form (SSF), 2020 JLall Online Teams #1

Team: Lo Last Updated Oct 17, 2020 at 20:16
Players: Ai-Tai Lo - Harrison Luba

Click here to see their ACBL convention card in a new window

Bids that Require Advance Preparation

2D over opponent's 1NT = H or S.

1M-(x)-Transfer starting from 2C (D). 1NT is naturalish (could have Cs). Transfer into our suit shows a 3-card constructive raise, 7-9 HCP.

1H-(2H Michaels)-transfer starting from 2S (C). Transfer to 3D shows a limit raise or better, transfer to 3H shows a good 3-card constructive raise or a mixed raise.

1S-(2S Michaels)-transfer starting from 2NT (C). Transfer to 3H shows a limit raise or better, transfer to 3S shows a good 3-card constructive raise or a mixed raise.

1m-2H by UPH shows balanced 11-12.

1m-2S by shows a constructive raise in partner's minor, 7-9 HCP, 5+-card support.

1H-2S by UPH is invitational in D.

1H-3C by UPH is natural invitational.

1H-3D by UPH shows a 4-card limit raise, 10-11 HCP.

1H-3H is wide-ranging from preemptive to mixed based on the vulnerability.

1S-3C by UPH is natural invitational.

1S-3D by UPH shows a 4-card limit raise, 10-11 HCP.

1S-3H by UPH is natural invitational without spade tolerance.

1S-3S is wide-ranging from preemptive to mixed based on the vulnerability.

FSJ by PH except 1m-2S is still a mixed raise.

1H-1S by UPH is either a forcing NT with less than five spades or a GF hand with 5+ spades.

1H-1NT by UPH shows 5+ spades, less than GF.

General Bidding Style

5-card majors, 2/1 GF, semi-forcing NT can have up to bad 12.

1NT: 14+-17 HCP, could be 14 favorable. We open 1NT as often as we can; often with 5m+4M and a singleton honor or a 6-card minor suit not good enough for a jump rebid. With 5M+4m, we could open 1NT depending on the honor locations, but not as often as 5m+4M.

3rd-seat 1NT/2NT opening can be shaded and off-shape (especially W vs R). For example, we might open 1NT with K Qxx AKJxxx xxx in 3rd seat favorable.

We open 11 balanced (optional when vul), and 10 HCP unbalanced (occasionally 9 HCP with a good 6-card suit).

3rd seat opener could be as light as 8 HCP, 4-card M often. For example, we might open 1H with Ax QJxx Jxxxx xx in 3rd seat favorable.

May respond with a very weak hand (3 to 5 HCP, might be 0 HCP favorable but unlikely) if we have a fit or a long suit to get out. We almost always respond to 1C opening.

One level overcall shows 7+ HCP, two level sounder ((1D)-2C could be lighter than (1M)-2C).

Preempts when W vs R can be very bad especially in 1st seat (5-card suit often), e.g, we might open 2S with QJ9xx xx xxx xxx in 1st seat favorable. The shorter our majors (the other major) are, the more likely we might preempt with a very bad hand.

With minimum values, we might open a 3+-card suit with a longer side suit in 3rd seat for lead-directing purpose, e.g., we might open 1D with Axx xxx KQJ Jxxx. The 3-card suit should have at minimum two of the top three honors or KJ10.

With minimum values, we might overcall in a 4-card major with a longer minor in 3rd/4th seat for lead-directing purpose (almost always NV), e.g., we might overcall 1H with xx AKxx xx QJxxx over 1D. The 4-card suit should have at minimum two of the top three honors or KJ10x.

Opening Leads AND Leads in the Middle of the Hand

vs NT: 4th best, 2nd from bad holdings (3rd in partner's suit).

vs NT: 3rd/5th in partner's suit.

vs NT: K is power lead and A asks for attitude.

vs NT: Rusinow in a 4-card suit or longer (standard honor leads in partner's suit, dummy's suit or preemptor's side suit).

vs suits: 3rd from even or 3, lowest from odd, but will lead high from nothing in partner's raised suit.

vs suits: A from AKx(+) except against 5-level or higher, or AK doubleton, or ready to switch to a side singleton. Occasionally, we will lead K to ask for count when it's clear the opening leader does not have AK doubleton or side shortness.

Spot leads is 3rd/5th against suits and 2nd/4th against NT during the hand.

Defensive Signals

Upside down count and attitude, standard suit preference and present count. The 2nd card in the same suit tends to be SP.

Signaling priority is Attitude, Suit Preference, Count.

Occasional suit-preference in trumps if we can afford to.

Attitude in partner's suit if dummy wins trick-1 vs NT with A, K or Q, otherwise it's count.

Reverse Smith vs NT: low cards in declarer's first suit encourage the opening lead suit (suit preference if attitude to opening lead suit is known) except when it's an obvious count situation (dummy has a long suit without any side A or K).

Suit preference when dummy has a singleton, middle is ambiguous (no clear preference).

When splitting honors, we play the second highest if we have two honors (J from QJx, Q from KQx), the highest if we have three (K from KQJ, Q from QJ10).

We give true count early in the hand. Later in the hand, our count can be suspect.

Sometimes, we would lead low from a doubleton for deception especially when we can overruff in opponent’s short suit.