Team: | Simson | Last Updated | Oct 22, 2020 at 22:51 |
Players: | Barry Rigal - Glenn Milgrim |
Short club (may be 5332) any. clubs/12-14 or 18-19 balanced.
Transfer responses to 1 (1 shows hearts, 1 shows spades, 1 no major unless +M GF). 2 both mm GF. 2 clubs invitational. 1 natural unbalanced 5 unless 4441. 1-1NT clubs weak or strong, 2 invite C/bal/both m GF. Woolsey vs NT. |
Sound openers, strong NT, normal preempting/overcalling style. |
3/5th at suits 4th at NT
Rusinow trick one, bar partner's suit. |
udca and remaining count.
Odd/even 1st discard Standard suit preference Smith (discouraging by opening leader, encouraging by 3rd hand). |