Team: | Merblum | Last Updated | Jul 13, 2020 at 11:07 |
Players: | Allan Falk - John Lusky |
1 opening may be 2 cards with 4=4=3=2
After 1-Pass, 1 shows 4+ hearts, 1 shows 4+ spades, 1 shows (a) various balanced hands, with no 4+ major, (b)hands with diamonds of varying strength, or (c) game forcing hands with longer diamonds and one or both 4 card major(s) or 5-6//5-7/6-7 in a major and diamonds GF After 1-Dbl, 2-level jump by 3rd hand is fit showing (transfers off after interference over 1) Gambling 3NT opening--no side A or K After 1M-Dbl, transfers starting with 1NT through 2M-2; 2M-1 = constructive raise |
5 card Majors (may rarely open good 4-card major in 3rd seat with subminimum values)
2/1 forcing to game (2H/1S, 2D/1M = 5+; 2C = 2+) 1 = 2+ 1 = 4+ 1 = 5+ 1st, 2nd or 4th 1 = 5+ 1st, 2nd or 4th 1NT = 14+-17 up- or down-grade permissible, 5 card major common 1NT response to 1H/S opening semi-forcing Gazilli 3-level jump shift response to 1-level opening invitational (6+ card suit, ~8-11 HCP) |
Rusinow vs suits (only with known length 4+) and notrump (if from 4+), with the following exceptions:
-- partner's suit -- dummy's suit -- side suit lead by preemptor; 3rd from even, low from odd vs suit 4th vs notrump Vs notrump, K is "power" lead (unblock or count), A is for attitude From known length may lead highest or 2nd highest from weak holdings In middle of hand, low spot suggests honor, high spot suggests no honor (except surrounding plays) |
Standard signals:
Primary signal is attitude to partner's lead (vs suit, count on partner's lead of K if Qxx(x) is in dummy); count in suits played by declarer (but Smith may override) Standard Smith vs NT; Occasional SP signals in trumps When giving remainder count, standard (high-low = even, low-high = odd) |