Team: | Dawson | Last Updated | Oct 13, 2020 at 18:10 |
Players: | Eric Stoltz - Roger McNay |
1m 2 shows preemptive raise in m
1M (X) 1N thru 2 under our M TRF. One under M artificial 7-9 raise 1m 2 5+S 4+H 6-9 HCP (in comp only on over 1) 1m (X) 2 unbalanced LR+ in m |
2/1 Game Force UPH
1NT 15-17 (2 range ask or or invit, 2N or weak minors, 3 puppet stayman) 2NT 20-21 (3 puppet stayman) 1M 5+ cards in 1st and 2nd seat 1M 1N forcing UPH, and may include a balanced opening hand 1M 3M mixed raise; 1M 3 1-under 4-card LR UPH other single jump shifts natural & invitational |
4th best leads suits and NT (vs NT 4th shows an honor). Middle of hand 4th shows interest
vs suits: A from AKx(x) 4 level or lower vs NT: A asks attitude about Q or unblock J K power lead, unblock or count Q attitude lead J normal or could be from QJ98(x) |
standard signals, count and attitude
generally attitude on opening lead 1st discard generally attitude, 2nd discard count opposite opening bid showing 6+, in response to lead of that suit if opening bidder does not win trick suit preference low and high, middle encourages |