Team: | Lo | Last Updated | Mar 15, 2021 at 16:37 |
Players: | David Chechelashvili - Ahmed Soliman |
2D Multi = Weak Two bid in a major (3-9 pts, 5-card-suit OK) May be very aggressive, particularly at favorable vulnerability.
If 2nd hand passes, responder may pass. Non-vul can be done with any hand, Vul would indicate some diamonds 2D over 1NT = Major 1-suiter 2H/S = 6 or 7 H/S, approx 10-13 pts 1m-2H = Limit raise or BAL-INV, by UPH 1m-2S = Mixed raise (6-9 pts, 5+ fit) by UPH 1H-2S = Mixed raise (6-9 pts, 4+ fit) by UPH FSJ by PH Transfers after 1M-(X) starting from 1NT |
5-Card Majors, semi-forcing NT,
1NT (14+-17) We open 11 or 12 BAL, and 10-11 Unbalanced. 1M - 2C = 2+ Clubs a) GF or b) INV, 4crd fit, BAL (2D reply, ART) 1M -2x = Rebid of 2M shows 6+M and 14+pts (unless 6H4S – then 12+pts) 1M-2D & 1S-2H = 5+ GF GAZILLI after 1M-1NT, 1H-1S We open 1C with 3-3 in minors We open 1C with 4-4 in minors and balanced (unless 3rd hand where we open with better minor) 1NT could have 5-card Major ONLY if 14-15pts. May respond with very weak hand. 1 level overcalls 8+ HCP. 2-level sounder. Preempts: wide range (could be good or bad) |
vs NT: 4th best, 2nd or top from bad holdings
vs NT: 3rd/5th in partner's suit (unless raised, then top from 3 small) vs NT: K is power lead and A asks for attitude. vs NT: standard honor leads vs suits: 3rd from even or three, lowest from odd, but will lead top from nothing in partner's raised suit. suit preference from known long suits (6-7 card preempts) vs suits: A from AKx(+) except against 5-level or higher, or AK doubleton, or ready to switch to a side singleton. |
Upside Down Count and Attitude Signals.
Signaling priority normally: Attitude, Count, Suit-Pref (may vary with logic). Count in partner's suit if dummy wins trick-1 vs NT. Suit preference when dummy has a singleton, middle is ambiguous (no clear preference) - unless necessity to tap dummy is obvious for both. Suit-pref in trumps if we think pd needs it. |