Team: | Smith | Last Updated | Oct 10, 2020 at 14:28 |
Players: | Linda Lewis - Disa Eythorsdottir |
Weak NT 11-14; After Opps NT 2D is one suited major hand; Xfers after Opp's Neg X & 1M - by Opps takeout X
Weak NT 11-14 NV & 12 14 Vul. Otherwise 2/1 system |
Rusinow on opening lead except in partners suit including preempts & in dummys suit and not with dbtn(like J10) VS NT K is pwr lead(KQ109x/AKQxxx/Akj10xx/KQJ10x) so may lead A from AKx(x) Opening spot card leads are 3rd from even low from odd Vs suits and 4th best VS NT but attitude from bad holdings. In mid hand may give count with same leads but tend to lead attitude as first priority. |
USDCA; STD suit preference & current count. Attitude is 1st priority then Suit pref then Count. If dummy has a sing in suit we have both bid we give suit pref and middle card is either continue suit or no suit pref. Also true when dummy has xxx and declarer is known to have sing. |