Team: | Goodman | Last Updated | Jan 29, 2020 at 21:21 |
Players: | Kevin Dwyer - Shan Huang |
1H 1S 0-4S
1H 1N 5S+ 2D opener 10-15HCP Three suited short D 1C (artificial strong) 1H = artificial 8-11 <5S |
We play strong club
Very aggressive bidding style Frequently upgrade into NT ranges We open all 10HCP hands NV and many 11HCP hands V Can open 4cM in 3rd/4th seat, usually lead directional 13+-16 1st/2nd NV 14-16 1st/2nd V 11-15 3rd seat NV 15-17 3rd V always 4th 2C opener in 3rd seat could have only 5C if lead directional All of our bidding greatly depends on vulnerability NV we are very aggressive, V we tend to be constructive 2 level preempts are 5+ Our preempts are wide ranging when partner is a passed hand |
UDCA except Standard at T1 when the lead shows AK
Standard remainder count and SP Reverse smith echo 1st/2nd from bad holdings against NT, 4th from interest 3rd/low against suits Attitude oriented 3rd/low during the hand against suits, 4th against NT Rusinow honor leads with the following exceptions: - Partner has shown 4+ - Dummy has shown 4+ - Preempting and then leading a side suit - When Partner has shown a "strong" hand (opened 1N or has made a T/O double of 2S or higher) |
UDCA attitude is our primary signal followed by count, and SP
Our default is UDCA, we randomly card when we don't think partner needs a signal or think it will help declarer more than partner 2nd/4th through declarer (including honors) |