Team: | Donner | Last Updated | Oct 10, 2020 at 17:16 |
Players: | Radu Nistor - Iulian Rotaru |
We play transfer responses over 1 opening which can be 2 and can have 4 when we have balanced hands.
2 opening is weak 2 in a major or 24-25 balanced. 2 and 2 are 5M+4+m 5-10 points. A lead against suit is from AK in an even number or shortness K lead against suit is from AK in an odd number or KQJ(x) Q, J , 10 and 9 leads against suits are rusinow. Against NT we lead Standard with coded 9s and 10s. J lead denies a higher honor |
We play 2/1 with transfer responses over 1 and any time the opps dbl us after we open.
NT range is 13+-16. Over 1 - 1 and 1M - 1NT we play gazilli. 1M - 2 is artificial GF 1 - 2 is 5+ constructive or better 1 - 2 is 5+ GF |
We lead attitude during the hand. Also coded 9s and 10s during the hand. |
We play upside down attitude and standard count. Against NT we play reg smith.
Priority is attitude then count or suit preference depending on situation. |