Team: | Lewis | Last Updated | Jun 12, 2021 at 09:47 |
Players: | Paul Lewis - Linda Lewis |
Gambling 3NT, no outside A or K in 1st & 2nd seat
1-1NT-3=s&s or 5+ & 4 or s 8+ tricks 1-1 may be 3-3-3-4 or 3-3-2-5 in hand too weak to respond to strong NT vs opening strong NT: DBL=4M 5+m or 4441 2=majors 2=1major 2=5+/4+minor.2=5+/4+minor same vs all opening NTs EXCEPT vs weak NT DBL=Opening Hand Transfers after 1M-X, either natural or lead directing. If responder is passed hand, transfer back to major is 3 card drury. |
2/1 Game forcing, 5 card majors, 12-14 NT except 11+-14 non-vul-may have weak 5 card major
1=4+, 1 may be 4-4-3-2. 1m-any-1M is unbalanced. With 4-4/5 in minors, choice of opening bid depends on opener's planned rebid (1 is more common). Distributional hands may be opened with 10-11 HCP. Third seat opening may be lead directional with very light hand. Weak two bids may be good 5 card suit NV, we avoid weak suits in minimal hands. Preempts are according to vulnerabilty, two suiters are allowed including 4 card major. We bypass 1 after 1 with non game forcing hands. 1NT/1M is forcing by unpassed hand and may include a weak raise. |
3rd/5th vs suits, 4th vs NT except high or second high from poor suits when leader can stand shift.
Rusinow leads vs suit and NT. K vs NT asks unblock/count, A&Q ask attitude. 10 after opening lead vs NT=higher honor/s or shortness. Leads after opening leads are usually attitude vs all contracts. |
Upside down count and attitude, standard suit preference. Current count after opening lead. Signal priority is attitude, then suit preference, then count. Trump suit preference |