Team: | Vance | Last Updated | May 21, 2021 at 17:46 |
Players: | Farid Assemi - Jim Slinger |
We don't have any.
We are mostly middle of the road partnership.we may open lighter in 3rd and 4th seat but pretty consistent with what most bridge players do.
Our NT range is 14-16, with subsequent impact on higher NT openings(as an example we open 2NT with all 19 high card, balanced hands) MAJOR DIFFERENCE IN OUR SYSTEM WITH PLAIN 2/1 SYSTEM. Simple raises of majors 9-12 hi card point giving values for voids, singletons and 4 card suit in the major raised. as an example, we add 2 points for singleton and 3 trumps and 3 points with 4 trumps. Opener can bid the relay suit(2S for Heart opening and 2NT for spades to see he has extra values, Opener should pass with hands that are bare min openers. Opener can bid their shortness in response to the major raised. Our 2 level jump over calls can be from 5-13 points, we use Ogust to ask. We play transfer overcalls against strong club systems, with X showing M's and NT minors, 2D is Multi, 2H shows H and any suit, 2S show S and a m. |
Pretty standard with 4th best always.We lead A from AK and USDCA.
Middle of the hand we makes leads to show attitude in that suit |
We play USDCA, 4th best leads for NT and suits, REVERSE Smith for both seats, our primary card on opening lead is attitude. during the hand we give count when it is necessary. |